Are burnout and silence connected? The case of junior doctors

burnout coaching employee voice junior doctor voice leadership medical professional silence professional norms Nov 15, 2023
Podcast tile with portrait photo of Victoria Lister, leaf image and The Burnout Recovery podcast tile cover.

Are you aware of the hidden curriculum in medical school and beyond? Read on to find out.

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, burnout has become a prevalent issue among medical professionals. As they tirelessly work to care for others, it's essential that we address the challenges they face and provide solutions to promote their well-being. In our latest episode of The Burnout Recovery Podcast, we had the privilege of hosting Victoria Lister, who shared insights on the importance of employee voice, the impact of silence in the medical profession, and strategies to empower healthcare workers. Let's delve into the key takeaways from this enlightening conversation.

1. The Power of Employee Voice:

Victoria Lister emphasizes that employee voice is not only essential for the individual's well-being but also invaluable to organizational success. When healthcare professionals feel empowered to speak up about working conditions, they can contribute their valuable insights and suggestions for process improvements. This leads to enhanced patient safety, improved quality of care, and higher productivity levels within the organization.

2. The Hidden Curriculum and Silence:

Silence and the hidden curriculum play significant roles in perpetuating a culture of silence within the medical profession. Subtle cues from senior doctors and the hierarchical nature of the field can discourage junior doctors from speaking up about uncomfortable situations or concerning working conditions. This can have serious consequences on patient safety and the overall well-being of healthcare providers.

3. Overcoming Professional Norms:

Conforming to professional norms can undermine the ability to address structural issues and challenge the status quo. Victoria encourages medical professionals to exercise agency and challenge negative messages that may be internalized due to cultural norms. By breaking free from the "medical boot camp mentality," individuals can pave the way for positive change in healthcare organizations.

4. The Role of Coaching:

Victoria emphasizes the power of coaching as a tool to empower medical professionals. Through reflective conversations, coaching provides a safe space for healthcare workers to vocalize their thoughts, feelings, and concerns and develop strategies to overcome challenges. Celebrating personal wins and achievements boosts confidence and fosters a sense of agency.

5. Enlightened Leadership and Change:

Enlightened leadership is crucial in creating safe environments and promoting employee voice in the medical profession. This can come from senior doctors, consultants, or even doctors a few years ahead. Additionally, there is a need for a critical mass of individuals advocating for change within the healthcare industry. The newer generation of doctors is less willing to tolerate archaic working conditions, and they are committed to driving positive change from within the profession.

Guest bio: 

Victoria Lister is a dedicated researcher who stumbled upon her PhD topic quite unexpectedly. She was offered a scholarship that allowed her to explore the broad area of employee voice and healthcare. Intrigued by this topic, Victoria delved deep into the literature and identified a gap that fascinated her – employee silence. Employee voice refers to actively speaking up in the workplace, while employee silence explores the reasons behind remaining silent. Victoria decided to focus her research on junior doctors, recognizing them as one of the most vulnerable groups in the hospital-based healthcare setting. With her in-depth examination of this subject, Victoria hopes to shed light on the importance of employee silence and advocate for the well-being of healthcare professionals.


Listen to the episode here:


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