Mastering Overwhelm: Building Thought Ladders for Burnout Recovery

burnout overwhelm podcast thought work Aug 10, 2023
Image of ladder leaning against wall with podcast cover.

In today's blog, we continue our deep dive into thought work with Dr. Jo Braid. We'll explore the powerful practice of creating thought ladders to help us believe in something new. So if you're feeling overwhelmed and in need of a breakthrough, this blog post is for you.

Understanding Overwhelm:
It's completely normal to experience overwhelm, and Dr. Braid openly acknowledges her own struggles. But here's the key: she has discovered effective strategies to manage overwhelm and prevent it from escalating into burnout. Now, she's sharing these tools and insights with us.

Introducing Thought Ladders:
Imagine a monkey bar or ladder on a playground. Each rung represents a thought, and using the thought ladder technique, we can consciously climb from one belief to the next. This process is empowering and transformative. It's not about forcing ourselves to believe something but rather inviting change by consciously choosing new thoughts.

Practical Steps to Create Thought Ladders:
Dr. Braid recommends several techniques to build new beliefs and dismantle overwhelm:

1. Journaling: Write down your new belief multiple times a day. This repetition reinforces the belief in your subconscious mind.
2. Affirmations: Record yourself stating the new belief and listen to it throughout the day. It helps shift your mindset and build confidence.
3. Visual Reminders: Make graphics or post-it notes with your new belief and place them in visible areas as constant reminders.
4. Mindfulness: While performing mindless tasks, intentionally bring your attention to the new belief. This helps anchor it in your subconscious.

The Power of Progression:
Dr. Braid stresses that it's essential to build beliefs incrementally. Find the rung on the thought ladder that feels believable to you and stay there until it leads to different actions and results. Remember, there's no pressure or set pace—progress at your own speed.

Harnessing the 1% Change:
Don't underestimate the power of small, consistent actions. Even a 1% change in your beliefs and actions can significantly alter the trajectory of your life. Embrace experimentation and find what works best for you.

Empowering Personal Transformation:
Dr. Braid wants to empower you to overcome overwhelm and manage it in a way that suits your unique needs. She shares her own experiences and reminds us that a burnout recovery journey is not meant to be faced alone.

Remember, mastering overwhelm is possible! By building thought ladders and believing in new possibilities, you'll navigate the challenging terrain of burnout recovery. Dr. Jo Braid's expertise, the power of thought work, and these practical exercises will undoubtedly lead you towards a renewed and thriving life.

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts as we delve deeper into thought work and uncover more strategies for burnout recovery. Until then, keep climbing those thought ladders and embracing the transformative power of empowering beliefs.

Want some practical burnout recovery tools to use right now? Need relief at your fingertips?

Buy The Complete Burnout Recovery program, created by Dr Jo Braid, and you will have burnout solutions in your pocket. 

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