Insights from the Desert: Highlights of the Physician Coaching Summit 2023

adhd burnout connection improv physician coaching physician wellness self-care Nov 28, 2023

This month I travelled to Arizona to attend the 4th Physician Coaching Summit, hosted by Dr Kathy Stepien of the Institute for Physician Wellness. It was such a great time to connect with fellow physician coaches from around the world. Here are some of my highlights.


🔥 Key Takeaway #1: Self-Care is Essential for Physician Well-being - Discover the importance of taking care of yourself to prevent burnout and fulfill your purpose in the medical field. - Learn how to create boundaries and reset on purpose to maintain your energy and productivity. - Understand the impact of emotions like anger, fear, and frustration on burnout and explore strategies to manage them effectively.

🔥 Key Takeaway #2: ADHD in Physicians - Gain valuable insights into the prevalence of ADHD in physicians and the challenges they face. - Understand the benefits of treatment, such as reduced risk of divorce, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and burnout. - Discover the power of coaching in addressing acceptance, self-awareness, and taking actions to manage ADHD and thrive in the medical profession. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr Jenny Hobbs on my podcast earlier in 2023 - you can listen to the episode here

🔥 Key Takeaway #3: Incorporating Improv into Your Life - Learn about the transformative impact of improvisation in various aspects of life. - Explore the rules of improv, such as "Always make your partner look good" and "Yes and," and how they can enhance relationships and decision-making. - Stay tuned for an upcoming podcast episode featuring Dr. Wendy Schofer, an expert in improv, where we dive deeper into this fascinating topic.

 "It's really a place of connection and asking for what you need to be well. This is a place of support where you can leave feeling uplifted and elevated in your coaching journey."

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