Sharing my morning routine

burnout recovery coach dr jo braid morning priorities routine Oct 12, 2023
Image of coffee, book and glasses in the morning sunshine with blue background

Do you have a routine every morning? Is it a series of habits you set up with intention?

I have a morning routine which I love, that includes coffee, reflective time, content creation and exercise. Here's the brief rundown on what I do! 

"Doing creative work is the routine"

My alarm goes off at 05:50am, I use the 5,4,3,2,1 strategy from Mel Robbins and get out of bed. With a hot coffee, I write my morning notes including my intentions and focus for the day. I do my most creative work between 06:00-07:00 which includes podcast drafting, blog posts, articles, and course content. After getting the kids ready and off to school, I'll jump on my Peloton for a 20-minute ride and am ready to start the work day.

This was first published in CEO blog nation.


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