Relief from burnout is 100% possible

Ready to create a life with energy?

Coaching programs for healthcare professionals who want to be fulfilled and have energy again. 

Get Started Here

I help healthcare professionals feel fulfilled in and out of work. Here's how.

Feeling fulfilled is what makes being a healthcare professional worth it. You've taken the hard yards to get to your senior role in healthcare, yet it doesn't seem to bring the satisfaction you expected. Being fulfilled is an inside job, that you are in charge of, where you can trust yourself in any situation and know you won't beat yourself up afterwards.  

Whether you are in medicine or nursing or allied health, you have options here to provide everything you need to get out and stay out of burnout. 

The options are:

  • Online self-directed programs
  • VIP 1:1 coaching with Dr Jo Braid

VIP 1:1 coaching with Dr Jo Braid


Being a healthcare professional is busier than ever, with more time pressures, patient and staff expectations and EMR to deal with. 

Managing your mind in the everyday is key to addressing burnout. The relief can start with you, before the system changes. 

If you want to get relief from the overwhelm, get started with a free Burnout Recovery Session with me. 

In my 1:1 coaching programs, the focus is 100% on you. This is a safe space free of judgement and opinion, where you get the transformation you want.

We meet weekly for 45 minutes via Zoom, for a total of 6 sessions. You have tailored-to-you sessions with resources provided and written coaching included. 

There is limited availability for 1:1 coaching. Secure your place by booking in for a free Burnout Recovery session with me using the button below. 

Cost of VIP coaching program: $2,999 AUD (inc GST)

Many clients continue after 6 sessions of coaching, for ongoing regular thinking space and to achieve their post-burnout goals. 

Get Started Here

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We have never given money back yet. 

I know you have already taken courses to help...

You may think that paying for a coach is not needed as you're a smart, collected woman who can work this out herself. 

This is what I know, having information alone does not create transformation. Tennis players, execs and actors have coaches. Why not you?

Having a coach by your side at any stage in your healthcare career is the missing piece in sustaining a life you love, inside and out of work. It is what will help you clarify what you want, and get it on your own terms. 

There is no weakness in asking for help. 

You are not broken.

Get started today.

I'm ready to get started
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The Complete Burnout Recovery Program

Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and not sure what to do to get back on track as your usual high performing self? Tried self-care tools that helped for a while but didn't result in the change you wanted?  Here is the answer in your pocket, a self-paced program with practical strategies and mindset tools you can use anywhere. You will have evidence based strategies at your fingertips ready to use 24/7. 

Online self-directed program - only $47


Get instant access to this short course with 26 mindset tips and practical tools to recover from burnout. 

Dip into this toolkit in your pocket any time of day and manage your mindset matters.

You'll find over a hundred coaching questions I use in individual sessions. It's like having a burnout specific resource on you at all times. 

Start with one topic...apply it...and notice the change. 

Tell me more

Curious if you are at risk of burnout?


What to expect in a Burnout Recovery Session


Book in for a free 25 minute call via Zoom and we will find out what has been going on for you, the contributors to overwhelm and what you have tried so far. I'm curious as to what changes you want to see and I'll ask you some questions around this topic. Finally I will propose a tailored burnout recovery program for you and if we are a good fit, we can book in your first session to get started. You are welcome to ask me questions. This first call is 100% free. 

Get started by booking in to my calendar using the link below. 

Book your call here